
Anchoring systems

PalPile supplies a cold threaded self-drilling hollow bar system in steel grades S460NH and E470 from own production.

The hollow bar system can be used as grout injection anchors. Diameters from Ø 30 to Ø 135 mm. Most sizes are in stock in 3,0 m, 4,0 m and 12,00 m lengths. All accessories – couplers, nuts, washer plates, clay bits and (button) rock bits are available from stock. Galvanizing and full duplex coatings is possible. We can also provide the necessary flushing rods for your drilling rig of choice. Our products offer a considerable economic advantage to those of the well-known market leaders.

Fields of application:

  • Soil nailing and wall stabilizations;
  • Wall and shaft stabilization for mining and tunneling;
  • Wall anchorage for construction pits, sheet piling, retaining walls;
  • Anchoring against flotation in (submerged) concrete floors of construction pits or tunnel entrances;
  • Micro piles in pile and pad foundations or for building and foundation repairs;
  • For specific applications, such as geothermal energy, jet grouting and other injection techniques.

Solid threaded bars from Ø 30 mm up to Ø 100 mm can be used as solid core tensile and compression anchors. Available in steel grades S355, S530 and S600, they offer a competitive solution. PalPile offers a complete program of threaded solid bars (upset or with cold rolled threads). All accessories such as couplers, turnbuckles, nuts, washer plates are available.

Gas Self-drilling Hollow Bar System

Steelgrade S460NH according to EN10210

Unit32/20 32/16 40/20 40/16 53/29 
Outer diameterdout mm28,5 28,5 37 37 50,5 
Inner diameter dinn mm 18,5 14,7 20,4 15 29,3 
Cross-sectional area a)mm²370 470 750 900 1.325 
Weight kg/m’ 2,9 3,7 5,9 7,1 10,4 
Load at 0,2% yield b)RₑkN 205 260 425 525 730 
Yield strength c)f₀,₂N/mm²555 554 567 583 550 
Ultimate load b) Rm kN 265 355 540 660 925 
Tensile strength c)fu;a N/mm²715 755 720 733 700 
Axial stiffnessEA MN 68 87 139 167 245 
Bending stiffnessEl kNm2 15 17 52 
Thread directionleftleftleftleftright
Unit72/54 74/48 72/45 72/35 85/48 103/52 
Outer diameterdout mm 69,5 69,5 69,5 69,5 81,5 101,4 
Inner diameter dinn mm 52,7 48,1 44,6 34,6 46,8 52,9 
Cross-sectional area a)mm²1.610 1.975 2.230 2.859 3.500 5.875 
Weight kg/m’ 12,6 15,5 17,5 22,4 27,5 46,1 
Load at 0,2% yield b)RₑkN 820 1.050 1.165 1.430 1.800 2.670 
Yield strength c)f₀,₂N/mm²509 532 522 502 514 454 
Ultimate load b) Rm kN 1.160 1.430 1.575 1.870 2.240 3.660 
Tensile strength c)fu;a N/mm²720 724 706 656 640 623 
Axial stiffnessEA MN 298 365 413 527 648 1.087 
Bending stiffnessEl kNm²142 163 176 199 357 889 
Thread directionrightrightrightrightrightright

Elongation               Agt      >5%
Ductility (Rm/Re)     k          >1,1

a) calculated from the weight (So= 10⁶ x m /7.850 (kg/m³)
b) characteristic value according to EN 1990
c) calculated from the characteristic load and cross-sectional area
** For other dimensions please enquire

Gas Self-drilling Hollow Bar System

Steelgrade E470 according to EN10297

Unit40/2040/16 53/31 53/26 63/35 63/28 72/3572/30
Outer diameterdout mm37 37 50,5 50,5 59,5 59,5 69,5 69,5 
Inner diameter dinn mm 19,7 11,7 30,8 25,3 35,3 28,8 34,5 29,1 
Cross-sectional area a)mm²770 970 1.260 1.500 1.800 2.130 2.860 3.130 
Weight kg/m’ 7,6 9,9 11,8 14,1 16,7 22,5 24,6 
Load at 0,2% yield b)RₑkN 425 515 700 800 1.025 1.200 1.500 1.650 
Yield strength c)f₀,₂N/mm²552 531 556 533 569 563 524 527 
Ultimate load b) Rm kN 550 700 900 1.065 1.375 1.650 2.050 2.250 
Tensile strength c)fu;a N/mm²714 722 714 710 764 775 717 719 
Axial stiffnessEA MN 142 179 233278 333 394 543 595
Bending stiffnessEl kNm2 16 17 51 55 100 108 204 211 
Thread directionleftleftrightrightrightrightrightright
Unit85/48 85/38 103/67 103/57 103/52103/43 117/64117/54
Outer diameterdout mm 81,5 81,5 101,4 101,4 101,4 101,4 114 114 
Inner diameter dinn mm 46,2 36,1 66,7 57,2 51,4 41,4 64,1 54 
Cross-sectional area a)mm²3.540 4.195 4.580 5.510 6.000 6.730 6.980 7,92 
Weight kg/m’ 27,8 32,9 36 43,3 47,1 52,8 54,8 62,2 
Load at 0,2% yield b)RₑkN 1.800 2.150 2.300 2.800 3.000 3.360 3.500 3.950 
Yield strength c)f₀,₂N/mm²508 513 502 508 500 499 501 499 
Ultimate load b) Rm kN 2.500 3.000 3.250 3.900 4.250 4.700 4.900 5.500 
Tensile strength c)fu;a N/mm²706 715 710 708 708 698 702 694 
Axial stiffnessEA MN 673 797 870 1.047 1.140 1.279 1.326 1.505 
Bending stiffnessEl kNm²369 396 801 886 921 959 1.418 1.496 
Thread directionrightrightrightrightrightrightrightright

Elongation               Agt      >5%
Ductility (Rm/Re)     k          >1,1

a) calculated from the weight (So= 10⁶ x m /7.850 (kg/m³)
b) characteristic value according to EN 1990
c) calculated from the characteristic load and cross-sectional area
** For other dimensions please enquire


Threaded bar

ItemUnitGTB 40GTB 50GTB 57GTB 65GTB 75GTB 83
Steel grade-530/750530/750530/750500/700500/700500/700
Nominal diametermm405057657583
Diameter over threads a)mm42,152,159,267,277,285,2
Cross sectional area b)Amm²1.2361.9552.5523.3184.4185.411
Load at 0.2% yield c)RekN6551.0361.3531.6592.2092.706
Yield strength d)f 0,2N/mm²530530530500500500
Ultimate load c)RmkN9271.4661.9142.3233.0933.788
Cross sectional area b)f u;aN/mm²750750750700700700

Young’s Modulus   E     195.000N/mm²
Elongation               Agt      >5%
Ductility (Rm/Re)     k          >1,1

a) average value
b) calculated from the weight (A = 10⁶ x m /7.850 kg/m³)
c) characteristic value according to EN1990
d) calculated from the characteristic load value and cross-sectional area